Random stuff to do later:
get stock data and insert it into the database (https://www.dataquest.io/blog/sql-insert-tutorial/)
setup database server with ansible
create ansible playbook for basic server setup, including swap setup (Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and CentOs 8)
plot moving average turbulent waves for stocks and crypto
make double bottom or double top detection equivalents for crypto
write simple moving average trading advisor (almost trading bot without calling any APIs)
write stock screener that would send emails with alerts (weekly RSI or something like that)
compute various indicators in python (dont forget about McGinley dynamic indicator)
aggregate daily data into weekly candles and then compute weekly RSI
plot stock candles in python
checkout DataQuest courses (https://www.dataquest.io/directory/)
check DataCamp courses (https://www.datacamp.com/tracks/career)
write LSTM neural network for time series
learn Chef or Salt Stack (well, maybe just Chef)
check Datastructures and Algorithms course on Udemy
rewrite top or bottom screeners with moving average or exp. moving average that is that is moved backwards by its window size (or maybe half a window size, needs some testing)
mount some directories to docker container (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23439126/how-to-mount-a-host-directory-in-a-docker-container)
check regression in python
check smoothing in python, mainly Savitzky-Golay filter
- https://plot.ly/python/#peak-analysis
- https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/36309/how-do-i-find-peaks-in-a-dataset
- https://plot.ly/python/smoothing/
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28855928/python-smoothing-data
- https://scipy-cookbook.readthedocs.io/items/SavitzkyGolay.html
- https://www.swharden.com/wp/2008-11-17-linear-data-smoothing-in-python/
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20618804/how-to-smooth-a-curve-in-the-right-way
- https://www.mikulskibartosz.name/smoothing-time-series-in-python-using-savitzky-golay-filter/
check kubernetes and docker on for machine learning (https://www.mikulskibartosz.name/a-comprehensive-guide-to-putting-a-machine-learning-model-in-production/)
read machine learning stuff on https://www.mikulskibartosz.name/
read everything at https://blog.quantinsti.com/
some algorithms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p65AHm9MX80
create Sobel filter to detect edges with Open CV library
summary of lsof command
make notes about GNU screen command
details about rpm packages
maybe data-ops.info domain
how to bootstrap new server with ansible https://www.rubytreesoftware.com/resources/ansible-bootstrap-playbook/ https://blog.scottlowe.org/2015/05/26/bootstrap-servers-ansible/ https://github.com/mrmierzejewski/ansible-bootstrap-ubuntu https://github.com/robertdebock/ansible-role-bootstrap
check logrotate
machine learning for finance Packt book:
decision tree for stock market
nice backtests:
Interesting stuff from quantisti and kaggle (opportunities for expansion):
- https://blog.quantinsti.com/predicting-stock-trends-technical-analysis-random-forests/
- https://www.kaggle.com/borismarjanovic/price-volume-data-for-all-us-stocks-etfs
- https://www.kaggle.com/mtszkw/using-xgboost-for-stock-trend-prices-prediction
- https://www.kaggle.com/mtszkw/visualizing-technical-indicators-for-trading-etfs
- https://www.kaggle.com/taronzakaryan/stock-prediction-lstm-using-pytorch
simple pytorch algorithm to make basic neural net:
Iris flower dataset with pytorch