install anaconda (whichever new version)
(base) coil@coil-VM:~/Desktop$ conda create -n decision_trees python=3.5 pandas numpy quandl graphviz
# To activate this environment, use
# $ conda activate decision_trees
# To deactivate an active environment, use
# $ conda deactivate
(base) coil@coil-VM:~/Desktop$ conda activate decision_trees
(decision_trees) coil@coil-VM:~/Desktop$ which python
(decision_trees) coil@coil-VM:~/Desktop$ which python3
(decision_trees) coil@coil-VM:~/Desktop$ python --version
Python 3.5.6 :: Anaconda, Inc.
(decision_trees) coil@coil-VM:~/Desktop$ conda install -c quantopian ta-lib
before running jupyter notebook
conda install jupyter
which jupyter
and graphviz
conda install python-graphviz
pip install cython
pip install yfinance
pip3 install yfinance
conda install -c anaconda jupyterlab
aand you are ready to go
install anaconda (whichever new version)
(base) coil@coil-VM:~/Desktop$ conda create -n decision_trees python=3.5 pandas numpy quandl graphviz
# To activate this environment, use
# $ conda activate decision_trees
# To deactivate an active environment, use
# $ conda deactivate
(base) coil@coil-VM:~/Desktop$ conda activate decision_trees
(decision_trees) coil@coil-VM:~/Desktop$ which python
(decision_trees) coil@coil-VM:~/Desktop$ which python3
(decision_trees) coil@coil-VM:~/Desktop$ python --version
Python 3.5.6 :: Anaconda, Inc.
(decision_trees) coil@coil-VM:~/Desktop$ conda install -c quantopian ta-lib
before running jupyter notebook
conda install jupyter
which jupyter
and graphviz
conda install python-graphviz
conda install -y joblib
pip install cython
pip install yfinance
pip3 install yfinance
conda install -c anaconda jupyterlab
aand you are ready to go
for pytorch stuff
conda install pytorch torchvision cpuonly -c pytorch
conda install keras